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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
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Annie McCall
Annie McCall is a Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) expert, therapist, trainer, and consultant. She co-founded Youth and Family DBT of Seattle and has contributed to key research in DBT and PTSD treatment, including the development of the DBT PE protocol
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Emotions in CBT
Therapy Demonstrations
Therapy demonstration
Introduction to Exposure
David Tolin skilfully introduces the concept of exposure therapy with his client.
Therapy demonstration
Psychoeducation for Depression
Josephine Ridley artfully demonstrates psychoeducation about depression.
Therapy demonstration
Acceptance of Thoughts and Emotions
Robert Leahy uses a metaphor to guide his client to accept her feelings related to jealousy.
Therapy demonstration
Validating Emotions
Robert Leahy masterfully demonstrates the process of validating his client's emotions.
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Expert Insights
Expert insight
Specific Phobia
Leslie Sokol illustrates the role of avoidance in specific phobia.
Expert insight
Origins of Behavior Therapy
David Barlow maps out the origins of behavior therapy.
Expert insight
Thoughts, Emotions and Behaviors
David Tolin reveals how to uncover the 'why' behind a client's distress.
Expert insight
PTSD and Socratic Dialogue
See Debra Kaysen explain the value of good Socratic dialogue in cognitive therapy for PTSD.
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Q & A
Q&A Topic
CBT Skills for Negative Thoughts
How can you break the cycle of repetitive thinking that leads to anxiety and depression? Q&A with David Clark, a world-leading clinical psychologist and acclaimed author.
Q&A Topic
CBT for Perfectionism
Perfectionism is associated with a range of conditions such as social anxiety and eating disorders. Anxiety expert Martin Antony shares tips for addressing perfectionism in therapy.
Q&A Topic
Cultural Variables within CBT
World-leading CBT expert and performance mentor Kevin Chapman answers questions on the importance of cultural awareness when treating clients.
Q&A Topic
CBT and Mindfulness for Anxious Kids
What are the benefits of CBT and mindfulness for anxious children? Regine Galanti, expert on the assessment and treatment of anxiety and OCD, shares her insights.
Q&A Topic
CBT for Trichotillomania
Eminent expert David Tolin shares his insights on CBT for trichotillomania, also known as hair-pulling disorder.
Q&A Topic
CBT and Childhood Anxiety
Professor Jennie Hudson unpacks CBT and anxiety treatment for children and adolescents.
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Clinical Tools & Handouts
Mindfulness, Acceptance and Compassion Practice
from Compassion Focused Therapy
Clinical tool
Thought Monitor
Use this resource to explore activating events, thoughts, feelings and behavioral responses.
Clinical tool
Common Unhelpful Thinking Patterns
Review the most common types of cognitive distortions that impact our emotions and actions.
Clinical tool
Common Negative Core Beliefs
Examine some of the core beliefs behind reactions, symptoms and mental health struggles.
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